
Showing posts from March 13, 2011

Nature's fury hit Japan

Well, it is believed to be one of the most devastating natural disasters that this world has faced in the last 100 odd years and Japan was on its hit list. Japan is in very sensitive geaographic location and they are prone to frequent earthquakes and their economy is highly affected by these natural calamities. But this one would take a long gritty effort to bring back things to normal. Not just the human lives, property etc has been affected, there is a bigger threat that is Nuclear radiation leak. Japan govt. Secy has already confirmed explosion and radiation leak at Japan's Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant which could have more complex and deep impact. Who can forget 1945's Hroshima Nulear tragedy whose memries are revived by this calamity. I salute Japan's strength and hardwork which they have displayed over these years to make a name for themselves even with these natural constraints. I hope that god graces Japan with grit and determination to overcome this great trauma...