R.I.P. Max

Max u touched our lives in a very special way n u will live in my heart for ever i hope ur soul rests in peace and i wish u to come in our lives again in some form or the other thanks for all the unconditional love n affection u were the most adorable kid of the house!! Will miss u.... Mummy papa ankits family n me! 


  1. Max, words alone can't describe what you meant to us. You brought world of happiness to our lives and loved us more than yourself...9 years that you spent with us are the best of our lives and would remain so for many more years to come. Your memories will last forever and I would pray that you come and be part of our lives in some or the other way again.

    We will miss you forever but wish you the best wherever you are. May god fill your next birth with more happiness, fun and love.

    God bless you, Max.


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